Missourians with disabilities, just like all Missouri citizens, are encouraged to actively participate in the legislative process. This might include visiting the capitol to present testimony at a legislative hearing, to attend a bill signing, or to talk with an elected official.
This guide is designed to provide information about accessibility in the state capitol so that Missourians with disabilities can fully participate in state government activities. Direction is provided for requesting access accommodations, such as interpreters or electronic materials, for legislative activities, capitol tours and for rotunda activities. Locations are noted for accessible parking, entrances, restrooms and elevators to the House and Senate gallery areas.
Additional information about accessibility features, floor maps and parking can be found at Missouri House of Representatives
The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Title II of the ADA covers all activities of state government, requiring state government programs, services, and activities by usable by and accessible to individuals with disabilities. The Missouri State Capitol, as part of state government, provides access through building access features and provision of auxiliary aids and services.
It is the responsibility of the consumer to request, with reasonable lead time, a specific accommodation based on the needs of the situation. It is the responsibility of the provider to either deliver the accommodation as requested or work with the consumer to identify a mutually satisfactory alternative that will provide effective access for the given situation.
You should be specific in your request for an accommodation. Do not request an “assistive listening system” and assume it will have a neck loop that is compatible with your hearing aid, or request “large print” materials and assume they will be in 24 point rather than the typical 18 point font. Be specific enough in your request to assure that the provider will deliver the right accommodation. Follow-up with the provider if you have any question about whether or not the alternative you requested will be provided.
The legal requirement for state government is to provide effective communication access. They are required to consider consumer preferences but may offer other alternatives that provide effective communication. If the alternative they offer will not provide effective communication for you, be prepared to explain the difference between their offer and the accommodation you requested and why their option will not provide effective communication for you in this situation.
Communication access includes converting print materials to alternative formats such as braille, large print, and electronic format, as well as providing alternative access to auditory information through assistive listening devices, sign language interpreting and real-time captioning. Alternative communication provides user friendly access to information and increases the ease in which that information can be used. The following is a brief description of each type of communication access:
Assistive Listening Devices (commonly referred to as ALD’s) are mostly used by hard of hearing individuals with mild to severe hearing losses. The main function of an assistive listening device is to increase the loudness of specific sounds (in most cases the speaker) and reduce background noise, thus allowing the person with a hearing loss to better understand and hear speech. Assistive listening devices can be used with or without hearing aids.
Electronic recordings may be used as an alternative communication for individuals who are blind or have some degree of vision loss, individuals with dyslexia or learning disabilities in the area of reading decoding or comprehension, and/or other individuals with disabilities whose reading skills preclude efficient access to traditional print information.
Braille is a system of touch reading/writing (used by people who are blind), which utilizes raised dots to represent letters of the print alphabet. The braille system also includes symbols to represent punctuation, mathematical and scientific characters, music, computer notation, and foreign languages- Braille Revival League. There are two grades of braille. Grade one is a literal translation of every letter into a braille cell. Grade two is a “shorthand” conversation of braille with contractions and other compression techniques used to make reading braille more efficient. In general, materials should be produced in grade two braille unless otherwise specified.
Real Time captioning (often referred to as CART or Computer Aided Real Time) is a verbatim text of what is being said displayed on a computer screen, TV monitor or large screen. Real time captioning enables communication access for individuals with hearing loss who are fluent in written English. Individuals utilizing real time captioning may not be fluent in sign language or may not choose to use sign language for communication access in a particular situation. In general, real time captioning is used by individuals who are late-deafened, oral deaf or hard of hearing.
Sign language interpretation includes two-way communication between spoken English and 1) Another language, such as American Sign Language; 2) an English-based sign system, such as Pidgin Signed English, Signed English, and tactile sign; or 3) A visual representation of speech, such as oral interpreting and Cued Speech. All interpreters must be certified by the Missouri Board for Certification of Interpreters.
Large print is print produced in 18 point or larger and is most frequently used by people with vision loss. It also increases reading comfort levels for many other people. While 18 point is considered to be large print, some individuals may need a larger point size for effective access. It is helpful to work with users to clearly define what font size will provide effective access. If the volume of material is large, a combination of large print and other format, such as electronic, might be more convenient for the consumer.
To request alternative format in large print, braille or electronic format of the Capitol Access Guide, contact Missouri Assistive Technology at 1-800-647-8557 (voice) or 1-800-647-8558 (TTY).
Listed below are the contact persons and procedures that should be followed when requesting an accommodation for activities within the state capitol.
The House of Representatives
ADA Coordinator:
Greg Sandbothe
Director of Operations
Missouri House of Representatives
201 W. Capitol Ave, Room B21B
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-526-0594
Fax: 573-522-5040
greg.sandbothe@house.mo.gov or
Missouri House of Representatives page
Interpreters/Real Time Captioners
To request an accommodation for communication access for committee hearings, please contact the ADA Coordinator. You must allow at least a 48 hour notice for an interpreter or real time captioner. Real time captioners are primarily located in Kansas City and St. Louis and are subject to availability. All attempts will be made to secure an accommodation for last minute committee meeting changes dependent on the availability of an interpreter or real time captioner.
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices are available for use in the House Chamber when the House is in session. For individuals needing an assistive listening device, please contact the ADA Coordinator.
Braille/Large Print Materials
You may call the Wolfner Library at (800) 392-2614 (voice) or (800) 347-1379 (TTY) to obtain a copy of the General Assembly Roster in Braille. Bill information can also be obtained through the internet at house.mo.gov or senate.mo.gov
Braille/Large Print Materials
You may call the Wolfner Library at (800) 392-2614 (voice) or (800) 347-1379 (TTY) to obtain a copy of the General Assembly Roster in Braille. Bill information can also be obtained through the internet at house.mo.gov or senate.mo.gov
Live Broadcasts
The House of Representatives broadcasts all sessions and committee hearings live on the internet. Closed captioning is available for the following video feeds: Chamber, Hearing Room 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 and Joint Committee Hearing Room. Access to these broadcasts is available at House.mo.gov
Access to Mezzanine Level
If a person cannot physically access an inaccessible office located on the Mezzanine level in the House of Representatives, it is recommended that you call ahead of time to make arrangements to visit your representative. If you are at the capitol building and have not made prior arrangements, you can have someone go to the representative’s office and have the representative meet you.
The Missouri Senate
ADA Coordinator:
John Burton, Director of Senate Operations
State Capitol Building, Room B-42
(573) 751-2945
Interpreters/Real Time Captioners
To request an accommodation for communication access for a committee hearing or a regular Senate session, please contact Jon Burton or the Senate Administrator’s office at 573-751-4663. A 48 hour notice is required to request an interpreter or a real time captioner. Every attempt will be made to secure an interpreter or a real time captioner if last minute changes are made to senate committee hearings times. In those instances, securing appropriate services are dependent upon availability of an interpreter or real time captioner.
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices are available for use in the Senate Chamber. The devices can be obtained from the Senate Administrator’s office. The Administrator’s office is located in the State Capitol Building RM 324. The phone number is (573) 751-4663.
Internet Access to Senate Hearings
The Senate broadcasts all general senate sessions and committee hearings live on the internet. Broadcasts are not being captioned for individuals with hearing loss. Access to these broadcasts is available at senate.mo.gov
Governor’s Office
Contact Person:
Kelli R. Jones
Communications Director
Missouri Governor Michael L. Parson
Missouri State Capitol, Room 218
Cell: (573) 508-9072
To request accommodations for events with the Governor, please contact the Communications Director. For bill signing, contact the Governor’s office with at least a 48-hour notice to request an interpreter, real time captioner or an assistive listening device.
Rotunda Events
Contact Person (First Floor Rotunda and Capitol Grounds):
The Division of Facilities Management is responsible for setting up physical access and audio-visual equipment for the Rotunda activities. Assistive listening devices are available. Other communication accommodations should be requested through the agency or organization sponsoring the rotunda event.
Contact Persons (Third Floor Rotunda):
Amanda Christian (Senate) – 573-522-7815 or
Tammy Kliethermes (House) – 573-751-4555
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking is available on the Southeast side and on the Northeast side of the capitol building.
Accessible Entrances
The accessible entrance is located at the main entrance of the capitol building on the South/High Street side (carriage entrance).
All elevators are accessible. On the fourth floor, there are lifts by the gallery of the House and Senate. During sessions, the doorkeepers have keys to the gallery. If you are unable to get into the gallery, go to the ADA coordinators (room 324 for the Senate and room B21B for the House) to get access to the gallery.
hall of governors
The Hall of Governors features portraits of all of Missouri’s former governors and a large video wall featuring images and video clips of the current governor. There is a QR code at the entrance to the Hall of Governors and next to each governor’s portrait that links to a web page providing information about the exhibit and each governor.
More information can be found at https://oa.mo.gov/hall_of_governors
Accessible restrooms are located in the basement near the garage entrance and across from Hearing Room 1 and the Post Office. In the basemen level, there is a restroom by the cafeteria that has a hoyer lift and changing table. On the first floor, men’s restrooms are located across from rooms 100, 117, and 129 (by elevators). Women’s are located across from rooms 104, 120, and 135. On the second floor, men’s restrooms are located across from rooms 215 and 230. Women’s are located across from rooms 203 and 219. On the third floor, men’s restroom is located across from room 323 and women’s restrooms are located next to room 300 and across from room 332. On the fourth floor, men’s restrooms are located next to room 400 and across from room 421. Women’s are located across from rooms 408 and 429.
State Capitol and Missouri State Museum
The State Capitol and the Missouri State Museum are open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. daily. No tours on New Year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Tours are free of charge.
Tour Information
Groups and individuals requesting communication access for a tour of the capitol need to contact the museum 2 weeks before their visit. Notice is needed for requests for an interpreter or assistive listening device.
You can find the current tour schedule on this page
Reserve a tour, or call the museum at 573-751-2854. Guided tours last 45-60 minutes. Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Before booking your tour, please read these
frequently asked questions