Device ImageDevice Description
The kit includes a bag, laptop, devices in a box and an iPad.

The Information Communication Technology (ICT) testing kit includes:

  • A carrying bag
  • An HP laptop with charger and software include: Dragon Professional, ZoomText, SofType onscreen keyboard, NVDA, MS Office, and HelperBird Browser extension.
  • An iPad
  • A Jelly Bean Switch
  • A headset
  • A HeadMouse Nano

This kit is intended for an agency that is using Assistive Technology to test a website or document for accessibility.  A typical user might be a web maintainer, Web Developer or,  Web Designer. 

 This kit has training available for the task of testing websites!  Please visit the User Guide section of the AT Testing page.
  • You can also visit our YouTube playlist to view the recorded Let's Talk ICT training sessions for each device or software.

    How to Borrow the Testing Kit
  • Visit the Missouri Assistive Technology’s device loan page
  • Fill out and sign a loan agreement
  • Go to “SUBMIT A DEVICE REQUEST FORM - Device form”
  • Select a Device Loan category - Computer Access - ICT Testing kit