A Micro Loan is a financing option for AT and durable medical equipment that costs under $500. Items eligible for a Micro Loan include, but are not limited to, repair of assistive technology, wearable technology, home automation devices, tablets with assistive technology apps and refurbished AT under $500. All Micro Loans are for a term between 1 and 2 years.
Where Do I Purchase Refurbished AT?
Refurbished AT eligible for a Micro Loan can only be purchased through Accessibility Medical Equipment, a contracted Reuse center with Missouri Assistive Technology. All financed refurbished AT must include a warranty, which can also be purchased through Accessibility Medical. If there is a cost to have them ship to your home, you can also add that to the quote.
What Else Do I Need to Know About a Micro Loan?
How Do I Apply?
Download, print and complete the loan application. It is very important that applications are completed in full, signed and all required attachments are included at time of submission. Applications must be mailed (faxed or emailed applications cannot be accepted) to our office. The Loan Calculator can be used to forecast monthly payments.
For more information on Micro Loans contact our office by phone at (800) 647-8557 or (816) 655-6700. You may also email info@mo-at.org