Assistive Technology (AT) can be a key for persons with disabilities wanting to transition back into the community from an institutional setting. There are a number of tools created through Assistive Technology (AT) Act collaborations that can help identify AT needs and then to identify possible AT solutions. A few of these that can help get the right AT to persons moving back into the community are outlined below.

MFP Assistive Technology Demonstration Service

Missouri Assistive Technology is collaborating with the Show-Me Home, a Money Follows the Person program to develop an MFP demonstration service for assistive technology needed by individuals transitioning from nursing facilities or for assistive technology needed to successfully remain in the community after their transition. Assistive Technology, Environmental Accessibility Modifications and Vehicle Access Modifications are included in the demonstration services.

For more information, please contact Elaine Houtman at 816-655-6702 or at The overview of the service and a intake form are below for more details. Interested Show-Me Home transition coordinators should contact our office prior to completing and submitting the form.

Tools To Identify AT Needs in Transition

In what activities is the person now limited in that might hinder a successful transition back to community living? Some helpful tools might include:

Tools to Identify AT Solutions in Transition

Once a limitation is identified, what kind of AT might be a solution? AT changes almost on a daily basis, but here are some resources to help to begin to consider the kinds of AT available:

Other Transition Resources